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Happy birthday to @Draugnut (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡!

Those of you who read my "Process" posts frequently might see his name frequently. He's someone I look-up to very much, and he has helped my work improved a ton in the past. Seriously grateful to have met someone who assists me like this in my art journey. You can show him some love in his FANBOX page 👏(*'∀'*)

@爪爪 生日快樂(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡!



Here is the voting results for last month:


It seems like people lean towards pee more 🤔 Regardless, if there's pee in the future, I will try to make it so that it's a bonus variation. Meaning, if you don't like pee, just stop reading until the part there's pee (?

It would also appear that people REALLY LOVE ANAL, and are less interested in things like a good blow-job. If I do have extra time after Our Toy pt. 8, I think I will be drawing Be Quiet! pt. 5, since I like Orbi x Duty Boy very much, and a good blow-job deserves more love ( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )

看起來整體是偏向喜歡尿的🤔 無論如何,如果未來有畫尿的話,我會試著讓它成為額外差分,意思是如果不喜歡的話就讀到沒有尿的地方為止就好(?

此外,看起來大家真的超級喜歡肛交,然後對於口交之類的沒那麼大的興趣。如果畫完Our Toy pt. 8還有時間的話,我想我會畫Be Quiet! pt. 5,畢竟我很喜歡Orbi x Duty Boy這對,而口交的好該被更多人看到( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )


Please use the link below for voting!

Keep in mind that you could always change your selection any time during the voting period!




Thank you for supporting!

