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I had a short but fun time and came back to the drawing! I will complete the existing work within 3 days and draw the winning work of the Request Event!
And now that we've had a little bit of a delay, we're going to do a 'whopper meal extra request event' instead of a NSFW poll suggestion!
A total of two people will be chosen, and a total of three will be drawn, including the second-place work of the last vote, "Futanari." X(
Thank you so much for worrying about my health.
I will try to show you a better work!
Thank you!!!
短いですが楽しい時間を過ごしてまた絵に戻ってきました。 既存の作業は3日以内に完成し、リクエストイベントの優勝作品を描きます!
僕の健康を心配してくださった皆さんに 本当に感謝しています。



Welcome back ❤️. Hope you had a great time even though your break was short! If you would allow me to be a bit selfish, please remember to take breaks every now and then, it's good for both you and us!


Thank you, bro! Always giving comments and supporting me constantly. I just worked hard for my fans like you and I have no regrets, but I think we all need to take a little break just like you said to meet longer! Thank you so much again and I'll show you a better!!!!

樞仔(Hentai Rat)

Welcome back!!!!! Take a good rest is very importent! I Have fanbox too, so I know this is a very hard work. Welcome back again,my english is not good.


It's good that everything is fine. Rest periodically. Emotional burnout - a big problem.


No, your English is better than mine!! And thank you so much for understanding!!!!


You're right. I think I've been so mentally tired all this time! From now on, I'm going to take a break like this!!


Welcome back. Good to see you.


Happy it helped! Welcome back


Glad to see you're doing better again and had a fun time! ❤❤ I hope things will be going better for your future so you aren't getting too stressed and burn yourself out again!~


Yay, I'm happy to see you're back!!!


Welcome home! I'm glad you're refreshed.