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This was planned a few months ago as a part of a canceled CG collection featuring Naruto himself, I remember how I much cherished this particular work, it'd be a shame not to publish it I thought. So I decided to continue working on it. It differs so much from the original version however. Let me know if you're interested to see the original version as well! ----- Collected high resolution works of June: 06.21 (Public) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CxhUwA6tjnTyfWUMgEvEE20lGvfC1CLl?usp=sharing ∎ All exclusive works delivered on June will be accessible to everyone on FANBOX. ∎ Subscription-based works will resume as usual starting July.




His pouty face is adorable lol


Imagine him sitting on konohamaru's face like this 🤤. That smell would be stuck in his nose for days