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最近、BlenderによるモデリングとUE5によるゲーム(ゲームといっても、よくある○○シミュレーターみたいなバカゲーですがw)を制作しております。(一つ前の投稿をご参照ください) あくまで個人の楽しみ趣味の延長で、最終的にはここで配布が出来たら良いな~と思っています。 制作にあたりPCスペックの向上や、アセットの購入やアドオンの購入等々でかかる資金はご支援いただいた投げ銭で全て工面させていただいており、ご支援なくしてここまでの物は作れなかったであろうといった所でごさいます。 そこで今回はいつもの趣味絵というより皆さんへの感謝絵を一枚。今後ともよろしくお願いいたしますー! Recently, I have been working on modeling with Blender and creating games with UE5 (games, but they are just silly games like the common XX simulators lol). This is just an extension of my personal hobby, and I hope to eventually be able to distribute it here ~ The funds required to improve PC specs, purchase assets, add-ons, etc., were all provided by donations, and without your support, I would not have been able to create something as good as this. So this time, rather than the usual hobby picture, I would like to thank everyone for their support. Thank you for your continued support!




A very cute set! There's a great contrast between her adorable expression, the hairy body, and the amount of shit she's able to put out.