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I had this idea for an illustration set and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get into FANBOX by sharing the sketches and WIPs with you guys. The idea: Morty, vacationing in Alola, finds a suspiciously young looking boy on Not-Grindr. He likes twinks, sure, but he's never gone for a kid before, that's illegal! The boy DOES look delicious though... Will they meet up and have some fun? (In case it wasn't clear, these are supposed to be their profile pics!)




Anything goes on vacation~


(I am not good at English, so I am using machine translation.) The works you draw really suit my taste. Therefore, I have been looking forward to seeing new works posted on Pixiv and Gumroad. I will continue to support you behind your back!!


I don't know why my brain thought "Morty, like from the hit tv show Rick and Morty" and I was so confused how you were gonna make this work! Thank you for not making me rinse my eyes with bleach XD