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"Boys forced to dress up as women to be prostituted by men"
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An English translation of the text can be found at the bottom.

同じ内容を Fantia Straight Shota Side に投稿しています。ご都合良ければそちらもご覧下さい。
I have posted the same content on Fantia Straight Shota Side. Please check it out if it's convenient for you.

[English translation text]

Dude "I've never called a boy before, but this muscular body turns me on.
I didn't have to dress him up as a woman.

So let's get started...
A spectacle only a man can witness
Come on, show me your jizz."

Boy ”I... I'm not..."

Dude "What's going on? You need the money, right? Get on with it."

Boy ".... o.. okey.."

Dude "Hehe... You're still a lousy, skin-covered cock."

Boy "....."

Dude "Are you embarrassed? Is this your first time in the business?"

Boy "....yes.."

Dode "Ha-ha. Okay, that's good.
Well, then, let's get your dick in gear and get this first job done."

Boy "......"

Boy "mmm... ahmmmm..."

Dude "Not bad.. "

Boy "ahh... ha...."

Dude "Come on. Faster....
Are you close to ejaculating? Just tell me if you're going to answer it."

Boy "Yes, yes... I'm coming! I'm cumming!"

Boy "I... I. I'm cumming...!"

Dude "Oh... It's got some momentum.
Watching a man ejaculate isn't so bad."

Boy "haa.. haa..."

Dude "So....Now that you've had your fun, let me have mine."



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