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My Brother Dragged me into the Cursed Gacha Game and im pretty much trapped now til' he stops playing it. My Only reason for getting into the game is so i can spend time with my lil bro', but now the fckn' waifu**CONTENT** is actually Decent enough for me to want to **HONK MY DONG**. The Game is seriously Predatory with the fckng PremoGems. Mfckers judge me for playing Elder Scrolls online that fckn' monetizes shit for Skins and these same bastards Play THIS shit. It's NOT EVEN CLOSE. This Fckng Game is a MONSTER of CAPITALISM, dont play this Game lmao. But apparently lots of people dont even care about that lol. We'll see if the Game is still relevant in about 3-4 months or so when my Commissions are probably done. Cuz then i'll have space for r34 animations. This why im Alluding to the thing that i may do mostly Genshin stuff. It'll depend.



The same niggas that judged me for buying Skins in CoD be the same 🤡 in our Group Discords DEADASS calculating how much they need to spend and grind for Mona's ass. I will not deny it's a very good ass, but how dare you judge me!


FACT's game is HELLA Predatory but I can't help it I "Whale" in Genshin like 4,300$ in the time the game has been out


I dunno, I got all the characters I really wanted without paying a dime, just on the free Primogems. I think the predatory aspect is that people wanna collect 'em all ('specially them 5 stars) and get fancy weapons, but none of that is really necessary to play through the game, and there's still plenty of 4 star hunnies. If you've got self-control u gucci. I did get Klee as my first 5 star tho, from the banner, so I do be a lil' privileged. Also yes, gimme Genshin lewds!