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Hmm..I wonder how i'll explain to people later that this isnt page 8 [Washed Ashore Pages are Early Access Pages; Reasons being that if released at this moment, you're only gonna confuse the mofos reading it. So How bout u wait until i do the story pages too--Or u know what, just lemme finish the First Segment of Washed Ashore.] =====FILE LOCATIONS=========== •Orange tier (Uncensored and HIGHRES) --> Juizzy Fruits > Washed Ashore •Orange Juizz (HIGH RES, XTRA COOM, COOMLESS, LUBELESS versions) --> 00VERSIONS -- > P 008 Orange Juizz (HIGH RES) --> Juizzy Fruits --> Washed Ashore •Orange Jacket (HIGH RES, XTRA COOM, COOMLESS, LUBELESS versions) --> 00ALTS --> MARCH 2021 --> P 008 Orange Jacket(HIGH RES) --> Juizzy Fruits --> Washed Ashore =============================== Holee fck, There hasn't been anything on the Version Folder this half of the month D'x. Not to worry, im almost done with the Mouse Animation.



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