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I've decided to continue the work on Shauna's little adventure. (´•ω•`)

>Nekoverse Archive

>Password on your Fan-Card

If you already cancelled your support, rejoin to see the password, and then cancel again. Fanbox will not charge you twice a month.

I'm sorry for the last second upload. I hope this one is not too underwhelming compared to the previous parts... Also, there are still two pages missing, which I will upload tonight/tomorrow. ó3ò

I'll put them into the same folder with the same password, in case people want to grab it without extending their support.

I'll let you know what's next once I'm done with the two missing pages. óωò

Thank you all so so much for the amazing support! ♥♥♥


Discord: https://discord.gg/mWBRxCd34s
