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So this one was A LOT of work! hahahaha. So much energy and things that were a little difficult to color properly. Just hoo! I'm so glad the art is finished!

But yeah, Jam playing with this toy a bunch. It's sort of a time lapse or will be in the final lettered version. Seems like she's really getting her value out of that thing!

Since I had been laid up with a cold I wasn't able to get to the other pages and get them finished, so guess that's gonna be the work for the beginning of November. Gonna get this wrapped up so I can get onto the new project I plan to stream.

Anywho, hope you all enjoy this and gonna get right onto pages 14 and 15 and the bonus ending page. 




I wonder if it's pomergranate jam flavored ?


The goo makes it even better~!! I love a good mess