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Hi guys! I'm sorry for my inactivity, although I've done several drawings I've been overwhelmed by the comic script, especially because whenever I have something written I can think of a better way to capture it and now I'm running into a wall even though I already have Synopsis of what is going to happen in each episode, however I am pleased to inform you that I am getting closer and so as not to leave you without content apart from these drawings, I will begin to upload drafts of the Corinthian Binnenoun breed.

At last they will know the original background, of course some things can change in the future but what I will upload in the next few days of this month will be the general data, and I will do something in the form of a codex as if it were something from Warhammer, obviously with the limitations that It means that only one person is working on it, but the official lore is here guys, I hope you like the idea!



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