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Well, here is the Brumhilda sketch, I am already doing the flat color and once I warn you that there will be two versions of this work, one that I will release to the general public and another exclusive for you in the January pack.

I think that for those of you who did not follow Corinto it must be new to see a chubby Binnenoun, I hope you like it because she is also one of the first characters that I did on her day.

But don't be afraid to tell me that you think she is good Brumhilda.




Se ve muy bien, creo que solamente faltaría pulir las otras partes donde se junta la grasita como en los brazos. Valla conociendo su trasfondo no deja de venir a mi mente la canción del tráiler de los ogros de warhammer.


bueno es que esta gordita pero no esta asi morbida, anduve estudiando y muchas personas con sobre peso tienen los antebrazos asi, aun dicho eso si en el coloreado veo que le falta, le aumento la masa muscular.