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Malganis is a very tanky tank hero with a ton of CC in his kit. He can be very oppressive when played properly, however there are certain things that you need to do in order to achieve this level of tankiness and make sure your CC can actually connect and not get interrupted. We go over all this and more in the video!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Malganis! Lots of Malganis specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Malganis Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!


Grant Esser

Similar to the other question on Mal'ganis, is your recommendation to generally play him into more melee comps? I've been practicing your talent build and playing him, and was surprised how hard I was countered yesterday. I played into Stukov/Chromie/Garrosh. Everytime I'd move out with a Q or escape with E, Stukov would silence me, rendering my spells useless. Chromie would time warp me (so my escape was rendered useless). Then Garrosh would taunt! I was USELESS lol. Does Mal'ganis not do to well into other big CC comps?


I strongly disagree about lvl4 choice, I personally think 50 armour is by far the best talent there. Just think about it. Let's say you take 1000 damage at lvl 20. With base W you block 250 damage, with the upgrade you block 500, essentially saving 250 hp. To "save" the same amount of hp at lvl20(!!) you need to block damage 10! times! It's only possible with very specific abilities/heroes (liming's laser, tracer AA, tassadar AA for example). Now let's be realistic - at level 20 if jaina hits you with her E or greymane hits you with a single AA, heck, even if garrosh simply hits you with his Q and poisons you - additional armour will be MUCH better, than healing. It's simply mathematically better.


In a level 20 teamfight, chances are all of the enemy team will be attempting to hit you, I don't think being hit 10 times is that unlikely in a team fight at all, especially with malganis being the type of hero that rushes into the entire enemy team. In a straight burst situation the 50 armor is likely to be better true, but the healing gives a ton of sustain over time throughout the entire game. I agree with you in a spreadsheet 50 armor sounds better, but in game I vastly prefer the healing and so does every other GM I know that plays Malganis.


He is better into melees, but he is also worse into CC yes because all of his spells have cast times and can be interrupted. Ideally you look for more melees and less CC. So Garrosh Stukov would be scary to play malganis into because they have a ton of CC. Something like Illidan Tyrael rehgar would be a lot better because they have very little CC that can interrupt your spells.