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Qhira is a very strong melee assassin particularly in 1v1 or small skirmish type of situations. As with any melee assassin she is very vulnerable to CC and you must master the art of knowing when to go melee and when to stay safe in order to play her well. You also have to know a lot about how her kit works in order to play her properly. We explain that and more in this video!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Qhira! Lots of Qhira specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Qhira Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Yesterday I joined your patreon because I really wanted to see your Qhira guide and I was so sad there was none. And now you just uploaded it, what a timing! You are the best! :D


Hey Fan! I have a small question. At level 16 for the more niche 1v1/aa build you don't take Lingering Ailment (armor reduction) and you still take the Booming Kick (AOE stun) because of the fact that mid to late game the 1v1 duel won't happen as often and you'll be forced into larger team fighting where the AOE stun has more value right? Thank for the guide as always, I love every single one of them! c:


Haha I remember that in the YT chat right, no problem happy to be of help! Perfect timing!


Yeah exactly at level 16 1v1s are very rare and teamfights are not, winning a teamfight also has much larger rewards than winning a 1v1 at that level.