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Bogo's attempts at fighting back the temptations and extra weight have all fallen flat, but his weight is still skyrocketing- and weirdly enough, he's even at peace with it, so long as peace comes with more donuts. Enjoy!


Bogo huffed mightily, using what willpower and strength he could muster up to squeeze his obscene bulk through the office door of city hall. His diets and exercise plans had all fallen flat, as his weight and gorging on Gideon Grey's baked goods continued to win out every time. Clawhauser had to sit the chief down at one point; tell him to stop beating himself up, and let go— and the buffalo was now finally starting to come around to that frame of mind. Who said the Chief of Police had to be in peak physical condition, anyways, especially with how Mayor McHorn carried on? Bogo had learned to stop worrying, and love the donuts. The way Clawhauser, McHorn, and a handful of others around station began commenting and even complimenting the immense heft Bogo carried around, he was even starting to come around to thinking that maybe the extra weight and girth made him look respectable— it certainly gave him a certain sense of presence and gravity, if nothing else. He certainly couldn't be ignored, as he outweighed even the largest elephant on the force.

The buffalo had eaten himself into dimensions that the old him could never think possible before McHorn's election. His belly alone could level mid-sized officers like Wilde and Hopps flat; an enormous, blubbery mass the size of a mid-size cruiser that was now dragging along the floor, giving Bogo the look of a rolling boulder every time he squeezed through the increasingly narrow corridors of the station of city hall. His legs were thicker around than kegs, his thunder thighs contending with his belly weighing down and their own bulk knocking into each other, forcing Bogo's gait into a slow, shuffling waddle, each step making his blubbery, chair-breaking rear bounce. His chest was like a pair of overstuffed pillows left resting atop the crest of his belly, and his arms were wrapped in thick reams of flab. The buffalo's sculpted face had become soft and round, with billowing cheeks and his muzzle dipping into multiple chins.

"Heh, there he is!" McHorn chuckled. "So, Chief… before we get to our meeting, can I tempt you with a dozen or so? Or are you still, heh, 'dieting'?" the enormously fat rhino asked, using his hands to make quotes.

"Oh it better be more than a dozen, McHorn. You might be mayor, but I can still eat you under the table," Bogo chuckled, hefting as much of his belly fat as he could, before letting it drop with a massive wobble.



Drakin Kovar

I'm really hoping there's at least one or two more. ^_^ He needs to be much bigger. :P