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David Brown

Those of us that follow press releases and Comic-Con knew before the season even started that Legends of Tomorrow would not be involved in the crossover and that Batwoman would be. Releasing that info ahead of time may have softened the blow a little when the time came. Like knowing about Batwoman in advance, the audience would be less disappointed that it wasn't Batman. At least a little more mentally prepared.


The person Caitlin was fighting was Nora Fries, played by Stephen Amell's wife Cassandra

Jake Hodgson

I feel they kind of messed up in this.. they should have had barry (as oliver) fight thawne and Oliver (as Barry) fight Malcom.. that way you have archer fight a speedster in all three situations and it makes more sense from a mental standpoint.


The guy with the golden mask in Arkham is Psycho Pirate. I’m pretty sure the only reason they had him in the crossover was so he could deliver the “Worlds lived, worlds died….” line just like he did in the comics.

David Brown

The Legends of Tomorrow episode actually aired between Part 2 on Arrow and Part 3 on Supergirl. So it came out during the crossover, not after it. You recognized the actor who played Dr. John Deegan (the guy The Monitor gave the Book of Destiny to). He played a different character in a couple episodes of Constantine as a friend of Constantine's. Again to be clear, same actor different character.

Jordan St. James

When they passed Cobblepot, I think you missed one door, which said P. Isley. As in Pamela Isley, a.k.a. Poison Ivy. Also, B. Karlo is Basil Karlo, Clayface.

James jackson

The continuity issue with barry being masked and hooded was because crossover promo materials came out before oliver started working unmasked and they did not want to spoil that reveal.


I like how 90s Flash wears a mask so no one finds out his identity but they recognized him in the first second through a portal😂 Also yeah I think Diggle is Earth 90s Green Lantern maybe his name on their earth is John Stewart.. Flash just said "John" but without "Diggle" nor "Stewart" so yeah who knows


The bust of William Shakespeare in the office was a nod to the orignal Batman TV series in the 60's. You lifted the head and there was a secret button you pushed to open the door to fireman poles that dropped down the the batcave.