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League of Shadows is just what Christopher Nolan called it.

James MacDonald

My memory is fuzzy, but why have there been 4 Arrow episodes in a row? I'm asking sincerely, as I don't recall any story elements that necessitate this schedule. Feels like I've been waiting for Flash 1x15 for a month! :D

Brandon Wiesner

The mods give her the watch order and they have their reasons for putting the eps in the order they do


Flash took a month break from February 17, 2015 to March 17, but Arrow kept going


one of the big reason is she like to watch alot of one show instead of 1 of each

Jared Scoggin

This season is definitely weak, especially after season 2, which is still my favorite season. I don't think it's as horrible as some people say it is, but I get why people don't like it. Although I don't think it's skip-able if you want to continue watching the series. I never understood how people can skip a season and miss all the development that happens, even if there are some story lines you might not like. My main issue with this season was the stupid decisions all the characters made and their justifications for making those decisions. I hated Laurel keeping Sara's death a secret from her dad, then Oliver constantly berating Laurel rather than helping to train her when it was obvious she wasn't going to stop, and the whole we have to work with/protect Merlyn. Also, it doesn't help that the flashback story is kind of boring. I know the flashbacks are meant to set up how Oliver became the man he is, but I think they could've cut most of that story and just had flashbacks in maybe ten episodes. Sorry for kind of rambling, I just have such mixed feelings about this season.


So yeah, I can see your frustration with Arrow season 3. Brace yourself. Arrow during seasons 1 and 2 was my favorite show on tv at the time, but then season 3 took a bit of a dive and season 4 is just bad. However, season 5 was excellent, season 6 was just as good, and now in season 7 it's one of my top 3 shows on tv.

Nicolas Cardillo

don't want to sound mean but if u ever have someone that is depressed Please don't give tell them that line "If nothing u do masters, then what it mates is what u do" after someone clearly depress ask u "what have I accomplish" or "I don't know what I'm relay doing" over 80% of depressed people commit suicide after a love one dint express itself correctly or they why that person meant to. The must of the time thought they help that person, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" leteraly. dont what u to be mean just hope u never are on a situation where someone take its life because something u said or do.


I don't get why people give Season 4 such a bad rep, in my opinion Season 3 is worse. Ra's is a very boring villain and the character motivations are all too soap opera for my tastes. Season 4 has many of the same problems, but at least the villains are more distinct and memorable.