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Ch.2 A Babies Life For Terry

The world as we once knew it had fallen into chaos in a matter of seconds. Cars crashed, people were unborn, the dead returned to life, and adults became children, some less fortunate than others in that regard. Some merely were high school age, others ended up in kindergarten, and for a few select individuals, they were banished to the realm of diapers and daycare. This is a story of one of those individuals.

Terry had been put down for a nap. Now living in a newfound body due to an unknown force in the world, he was no older than 25 months old, which meant it was a state of diapers for him from now to an unspecified time. As he awakes from his nap, the first thing he thought was if what happened to him was simply a dream. But his head was foggy, no doubt due to the fact he'd had all of his teenage knowledge forcefully shoved into that of a toddler's very undeveloped brain. Not many people at this point knew what kind of effects would happen to people like Terry, but it wouldn't be long before they did, as the ones under the age of five became some of the most studied due to the more unique circumstances of their transformation.

As for now, we return to Terry sitting in his crib, lamenting the idea of having to return to a daycare he'd never known since it wasn't as if he'd remember it even if he'd gone there when he was originally this age. Things had just flipped so heavily onto him. He was getting ready for his senior year of high school, but now he was gonna have to prep for his first day of finger painting, although something about the idea of getting to finger paint did make him excited, and he couldn't get the idea out of his mind.

While his thoughts were focused on the idea, his mother walked in to check on him, asking, "Did you sleep well, Terry?" Terry responded by saying, "Uh huh hey mommy do you dink I'ww getta do finga paintin at daycawe?" This took her by surprise since before the nap, he seemed completely against it, but now he was looking to get to finger paint, which seemed like a complete turnaround.

"You know, honey, I think you just might, but don't worry about it for now. That won't be until tomorrow anyway. For now, let me check to see if you need that diaper changed, ok?" said his mom. Terry then responded all certain of himself, "Nuh, I dun need diapies, mommy, I cwean." "I've heard that one before, sweetie," said his mother. She then picked him up and did a quick sniff check, saying, "Well, you didn't make boom booms. Let's see here," and she then puts two fingers down the front of the diaper. "Wow, all clean, good job, buddy," she said. She didn't want to upset him since he wasn't in need of a change, but his diaper most certainly wasn't all dry, but Terry didn't need to know that.

This made Terry smile with glee, saying that he'll be out of diapers in no time. His mother smiled, saying, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes." She then carried him down into the kitchen and put him into a highchair. Again, Terry fought it but was easily persuaded that it wasn't like he could sit in a regular chair properly, so this was his only option. This made sense to him and he soon enjoyed sitting in it. After all, it made him feel safe with the tray giving him a place to put his arms, and the vertical pole keeping him in place felt like he was secured into a roller coaster seat, but a lot safer. 

She then returned with a bunch of chicken nuggets she had cooked in the oven while Terry was still in his crib napping. She put it in front of him and he asked for ketchup. She said, "Sorry sweetie, ketchup has way too much sugar for someone so little, and we don't want you bouncing off the walls, okay?" Terry got a little frustrated at this and said, "Buh I always eat ketc, ketch, ketchup and I dun evah bounce off the walls?" Terry's mother then patiently explained how that was before he had the body of a two-year-old, and how that makes a world of difference. Terry, reluctant to give up, then said, "Maybe I could have a wittle bit, pweassse?" His mother had lost this battle to the cuteness of her little man and decided to dab a little bit of ketchup onto the plate for him, saying that's all he's going to get, so he better make it count. He smiled and said, "Thank you, Momma!"

Terry happily ate the chicken nuggets while his mom went about cleaning up after the mess. Assuming that Terry was more than capable of eating the nuggets without making a mess, she ended up not paying too much mind to the transformed toddler as she did. Once the mess was fully cleaned up, she looked back to check up on her little man, only to find that the majority of the ketchup she had put on the plate had managed to find a new home on Terry's bare chest. She couldn't help but giggle at this. Here was her former teenage son, now nothing but a helpless toddler who couldn't eat his chicken nuggets without spilling 90% of the ketchup on himself. It was a rather comedic scene, to say the least.

She walked over with a wet rag and began to wipe him clean when she picked up on a stinky diaper and said, "Uh-oh, smells like that lunch went right through you, didn't it sweetie?" Terry, unsure what she meant by that, asked, "What do you mean, mommy?" She said, "Oh, nothing, but I do think it's time that somebody had their diaper changed."

Not wanting to have his diaper changed again, he said, "It's ok, I don't need it changed yet, momma." She then said, "Do you really wanna sit in that poopy thing?" Terry gave her a confused look and said, "I'm not poopy."

"Oh, yes, you are. I can smell it from here, hun." She was done arguing about it at that point and picked him up out of the highchair and proceeded to carry him back into his nursery to be changed. He started to squirm a bit until she picked up the pacifier she had placed on the dresser and placed it into her cranky baby's mouth.

This ended up having a similar effect as last time, the only difference was that this time he knew what he had in his mouth. But either way, he didn't seem to mind it as it made him feel very content and docile. His mother went about with the change, thinking how weird it was she was changing her son's diapers again, just as she had 13 years ago. She didn't want to tell him that he'd worn diapers till he was four and a half, but she also wasn't sure she needed to as it might be different this time around anyway.

The worst-case scenario of not telling him was that he'd be stuck in them for another two years, and the best-case scenario is that he'd be out of them sooner than that, and telling would just end up stressing him out. They would soon come to find that would be the case. In fact, he'd be stuck in them to the same day. It seems like the past couldn't be changed in weird and various ways, almost as if they were fixed in reality. And for some reason, potty training seemed to be one of those things that were fixed down to the day.

That wasn't only exclusive to Terry either. All of the newly transformed teens and adults who were sent to an age where they were in diapers would be stuck in them until the date that they were potty trained initially, which begs the question of those who decide to fully embrace wearing the diapers. For some of them, they may be stuck in them for up to four years, and with the know-how of the potty, they might catch a form of Diaper Stockholm Syndrome, which would eventually become a problem in the future while they regained their ability to use the potty. Some would simply convince themselves that they could never learn how, so by the time they could actually achieve potty training, they were absolutely convinced that they could not. But we're getting off on a tangent here. We left poor Terry receiving his second poopy diaper change of the many to come.

While it seems clear he isn't happy about it, he does seem content while he enjoys the comfort of his pacifier. His mother does take notice of this and makes sure to remember to send him to daycare with it just in case they have any issues, although she is certain that he will have tons of fun once he's there. Although she is concerned about how this will affect him and the other children and if Terry is more well-behaved than them, at that point she had hundreds of concerns flowing through her head. She decided not to overthink about it since she wasn't the only one going through this; it did help to calm her down. By this point, though, he was fully changed into a clean diaper and ready for what his mother had in store for him next. He then asked her, "So, momma, now what do I do?"

This was definitely a good question since she really wasn't sure. Should she put him in a playpen to play with toys or in a bouncer? Should she take him out for a ride in a stroller or put him in the crib for another nap? She really wasn't sure since it wasn't like he was a normal baby. She was kind of at a loss on how to move forward. She figured she could put the TV on for him and have him watch baby shows, but even that wasn't an easy choice to make. She didn't want to torture him by making him sit through a forced baby show he didn't want to watch.

As she stood there pondering this, though, he decided to make the choice for her and said, "I did have fun pwayin in da pwaypen, momma." "Oh, did you now, sweetie?" she said, surprised he'd actually want to be placed in a little baby prison to play with toys and watching shows designed for actual two-year-olds. But she wasn't going to argue with him since she felt like letting him do what he wanted was a better idea than forcing him to do something he'd hate while either of them would be more than likely degrading. At least he gets to choose what he wants to do.

Terry spent the majority of the afternoon playing with toys and watching the baby shows he had once enjoyed, his first time around. Not to say he wasn't enjoying them just as much now, if not more so. He loved the shows, trying to sing along and answer the painfully obvious questions they would ask him, as his mother went around the house doing chores and admiring her son's newly reacquired innocence. He would jump up and down in the playpen while he watched through the bars of the playpen, nursing the pacifier as he did. It was truly a sight. If anyone had seen the former teen's actions, they would have been completely unaware that he had been 17 years old a day prior. Even his mother was starting to wonder if the last 15 years had been a dream and she had imagined her son growing up, although she knew how silly a thought that was, but it was hard to believe. After all, looking at her son brought back such a nostalgic feeling, she couldn't help but feel that way.

It had been a few hours of her checking diapers, administering sippy cups of juice, cleaning the house, and grabbing stuffed animals, and doing funny voices for her son until it was around 5 pm that she decided it was dinner time. But this time, she decided to give him a light dinner, and that's when Terry had decided he wanted to be a cranky baby. His mother decided that for dinner, she would try and test the waters on some of the jars of baby food that littered the cabinets and fridge. She took out a jar of pureed veggies and a jar of pureed bananas and went about getting him fed. She went over to the playpen and asked if her little guy was hungry, so Terry looked up from a sitting position on the floor and popped up, rather quickly, at least for a two-year-old in a saggy diaper, and said, "yuh yuh me hungy momma!!" So she responded, "Oh wow, you must be very hungry, aren't you?" He hopped up and down and said, "yuh yuh me wan mowe chicky nuggies!!" She then picked him up and said, "Don't worry about what you're eating, Mommy's already got something very nummy for you, sweetheart." She deposited him into the highchair for the second time and opened up the jar of veggies, ready to have a battle. She grabbed a spoon and said, "Here comes the chu chu train, sweetie, open up," to which Terry happily did, not really expecting what happened next.

The pureed veggies entered Terry's mouth and hit him with a taste that he could only describe with one word, which he wasn't shy to let his mother know, "icky icky," Terry spouted in quick succession as the food assaulted his taste buds. Terry's mom wasn't sure this would be his reaction, but she did have a good idea he never did like the veggie baby food, so this was less of a surprise, although she was hoping whatever he had of his big boy faculties would more or less take over after the initial shock of the flavor and allow her to continue feeding him. Turns out, it was the opposite; he started to throw a tantrum and refused to eat. While his mom said to him, "come on sweetie, don't you wanna be a big boy for momma and eat up all your veggies," Terry wasn't having it, though, and said, "nuh, it's icky, me no wan dat." After he said that, he turned his head away and refused to eat. Not wanting to make this a bigger deal than it was, his mother decided to go the tickly route. She quickly went in for a tickle, and while Terry giggled, she would sneak a spoonful in. The first one took him off guard, and he got mad, saying, "did ya jus use a baby trick on me?" to which his mother responded, saying, "no, I would never, sweetie, you're a big boy, after all, besides, it's not like you're refusing to eat your veggies like a little baby now, are you?" 

This got Terry pretty upset that he was being teased, so he came back at her, trying to explain that it's really gross, but the second he opened his mouth up to speak, she managed to sneak another spoonful in. Not appreciating being tricked again, he decided not to talk or even open his mouth up at risk of being fed even more. She then said, "oh, come on sweetie, we only have a couple more scoops left, then you can have dessert." The idea of dessert was fairly appealing to his now immature mind, and he figured he'd eaten this much already, he might as well suck it up for dessert, even if he really didn't want to. So that's exactly what he did. He took another three big spoonfuls of the icky veggies, and she made sure to tell him what a big boy he was for eating all of his veggies. She then pulled out the banana-pureed baby food and said it's time for dessert, and upon seeing another jar of baby food, Terry started to tear up, saying, "but you said I was gonna get dessert, that's more baby food." She then assured him that it was indeed a dessert and that it's delicious. He looked skeptical at first and said, "fine, I'll try it, but if I don't like it, I'm not gonna eat it." His mother said that's fair and gave him a try, to which his face lit up, and she knew he wanted to finish the whole jar.

Aside from the tantrum over the veggies, the rest of the feeding went fairly uneventfully, and he finished up the pureed banana with no incident. She then made sure to tell him what a big boy he was for eating up all the food and that for being so good, he was going to get to stay up and watch more cartoons. While this was rather small, it did make him feel like he did a good job, even if all he did was eat some food. So, she picked him back up out of the highchair and brought him back to the nursery. "I thought I was gonna get ta watch more TV, momma?" said Terry, and his mother said, "you are, don't worry, we just gotta change that saggy diaper first, or it's gonna sag right off of you."

He looked down, not really happy about it, but he knew that when mommy wants to change him, he didn't really get a say, not like he wanted to wear the soggy diaper anymore anyway. It was starting to get stinky anyway and wasn't as comfortable as it is when it's dry or even just a little wet, so he wasn't going to complain. He did end up asking if he could have his binky while she changes him, and she said, "oh, I would, but I left it in the living room sweetie. Can you be a big boy and wait till after you're all cleaned up?" Terry simply nodded with a lone tear forming in his eye. She then quickly cleaned him up, wiping all the moist areas all clean and tossing the soiled diaper into the diaper genie and putting a fresh diaper underneath his tushy, to which she then clouded with baby powder and lastly taped it in place. Terry was simply looking up at the ceiling while he was changed, too embarrassed to actually look at his mom while he was being changed. It was quickly finished up, and he was brought back into the living room and placed into the playpen to enjoy playing and watching more TV.

After another hour and a half of that, it was 7pm, so his mother decided it was time for Terry to go to bed for the night. His mother went over while Terry was in the middle of enjoying his baby show and pulled the back of his diaper, checking for any mess. Fortunately, it was still clean from the last change, so she picked him up and brought him to the nursery, bringing a bottle of what appeared to be milk with her and placing him in the crib. But Terry was confused and said, "am I takin another nap, momma?" to which Terrys mom said, "nope honey, this isn't a nap, this is bedtime, okay, but don't worry sweetie, I'm going to read you a bedtime story to help you sleep, okay? Now here is your baba, you drink this, and I'll pick us out a story." Terry put the bottle in his mouth, and like last time, he unconsciously began to suckle on the bottle. The only problem was it tasted different this time, not like milk, but whatever it was, he really enjoyed it and sucked it down. His mother then began to read to him until he fell asleep for the night.

Before she left the room, however, she made sure to give him a goodnight kiss and to shut off the lights, leaving the door cracked and the hall light on as to not leave him without some light in case his fear of the dark returned. She was now nervous as very soon he would be going to his second first day at daycare, and she would have to deal with whatever consequences that may entail.


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