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Lets talk about the upcoming update. As you will have guessed it involves our Zahra shaman, whom you encountered along Samara's quest line, where the elf was pestering her for help with her curse.


Without going into too much spoilers, we cooked 3 new quests involving some unsavory individuals. With a new unique enemy animated sprite along with his combat abilities.

We added 9 new locations in Kaldea for those quests, including the slums tavern (2 floors):

With its harlots loitering around:

The thieves guild back rooms:

And a bunch of other shady locations in the slums.

In short this is quite a meaty quests line, leading to some sweet time with our shaman lady.


We also spent some time to improve the combat QoL. The main change you might notice is the characters health bars are now hidden by default, and only display when relevant (current character, targets, damage, hover with the cursor, ...). You can also press "Alt" to show all the characters bars, or permanently display them in the options.

Next we added a blood animation to the combat characters portraits, which fills up based on their health (it was already in the inventory portraits). And the camera now focuses on the current character (can be disabled in the combat options).

We added the option to undo the last character move. This is only meant as a QoL feature in case of miss-clicks, and you won't be able to undo skills or any move than causes damages.

We are also planning to add throw-able gears such as "molotov" and other AoE mechanics which will be useful in this coming build.



And to finish, we are working on a few unique soundtrack for the guild's hunting ground.


We plan to release this build near the beginning of next month. The smut scene animations are almost done and all the other assets are ready, including the writing and characters, leaving just the quests implementation which is underway.

Anyways, this is all for now, we already mentioned the next few builds work in progress in the last dev log. Again, thank you all for the support enabling our work!
