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Windows (64bit, 32bit), Linux, Mac.

Patreon code: Pat

Hey everyone,

It took a bit more time than we expected, but the Build 21 Beta is here! It features the new brothel quest and Katie scene, as well as the combat improvements discussed earlier.

Please report any issue you find, even typos, in the comments here or in our discord bug tracker channel, we count on you!

As usual, the save named "Build21" will place you in front of the new content, and we updated the walkthrough with the new brothel quest.

Have fun!


- [Patreon] Second brothel quest.

- [Patreon] Katie scene with 2 animated CG.

- 1 collectible pinup of Katie.

- 2 special sprites for Katie.

- Terri anal animations.

- The main character appearance can be customized in the cheats.

- Improve Esther dialogue portrait.

- Improve Katie dialogue portrait.

- Knight on a Pike inn second floor location.

- Knight on a Pike innkeeper sprite.

- New Old Docks warehouse locations.

- The combat fog of war now handles multiple characters.

- Enemies behind walls in combat are now visible.

- Highlight characters limbs behind walls in combat.

- Highlight the characters on which a given skill can be executed this turn.

- New skill wheel to execute skills quickly (hold left mouse button on the target).

- Combat portrait animations.

- Show the characters movement range.

- Show the current skill range.

- Visual combat cell effects for reactions and delayed actions, with tool-tips.

- Combat cell selection animation.

- Show which health bar is associated with the limb under the mouse.




Hope to have Chinese,Hope for a voice.


ran into an interesting bug. when trying to start a new game and going through the prologue as soon as you try to enter the next area after getting out of the cell it kicks you back to the cart you start the game in. as far as i can tell its an endless loop. sometimes nailah will be there and join you as a follower. you can even initiate her brothel scene by talking to her. clementine will also follow you around in this area.