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It is that time again.

So first things first, when is the next build? We wanted to release beta build today, but that is seemingly not going to happen due to us being a bit behind on Katie scene animations. The build should instead arrive early November, probably next week.

As mentioned before we are planning on advancing the main story a bit in the current update. We will carry on from the first quest with Uulk and start getting a peek at the backside of Kaldean politics. We wont spoil too much to keep the surprise.

The quest itself isn't very long and doesn't lead to any love scene, so we decided in parallel to develop a bit more of the Velvet Oasis arc, continuing from the quest where Redic lend a favor to Terri. Something shady is going on and Esther requests our help. This will cover two more quests, though both are non-combat, mostly dialogue-centric quests with a smut scene involving Katie to show her gratitude :D

Be careful though, it's one of few quests where you can properly fail, but there should be enough hints to avoid that (or reloading the save I guess).

Besides quests we have been expanding a few character dialogue portrait, including Esther, Katie, Hiho and Osh'To. We plan to add a bunch more over time, in particular for the companions, in order to spice up the dialogues a little more.

We also worked on various game systems, in a previous devlog we discussed combat updates (you can read them HERE). More quest editor tweaking and functionality, for example we added a quick way to create areas in game which can be used to trigger events when characters enter them and similar things:

Thanks to Etherek now helping us with drawing, we fleshed out some stuff we wanted for a long time but could find time for, such as finally giving an interior to Halmech temple in the Gatehouse district:

And here is the second floor of the Knight on a Pike inn, in the Old Docks:

In total this update includes 7 new locations!

As for our following update, it is set to be Osh'to arc companion update, since she didn't manage to win previous companions votes. But no worries we love the big gal as much as the others and will give her quest arc justice. 

We already started working on art assets for Osh'to including her CG scene, locations and new sprites. Expect to learn more ogre lore from it and get to know her old tribe.

Aaaand that should be it, sorry for the short dev log today, but we as always balance between teasing / showing off progress, and keeping just enough uncovered so it is interesting for players.


