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Windows (64bit, 32bit), Linux, Mac.

Alternative links: Mega.

The patreon code is here.

This update covers the second part of the main quest started in the previous build. Our party is hired by Atlathkan general Alenai to pacify a whole Fort.

Alenai scene is moved after this quest, and is mutually exclusive with the new Moira scene. Which scene you get depends on who you give the Fort to.

We originally planned to have a special boss fight at the end of the quest, with special abilities and destructible environment, but for now it is a placeholder fight until we rework the combat system next update.

As usual there is a save named Build17 to begin the new quest directly. Speak to Alenai about the informant.

Next build will focus Hiho quest and scene as well as more content for Moira scene. Anyway, have fun and happy new year!


- [Patreon] Moira scene with 2 animated CG and 2 still shots.

- [Patreon] Main quest part 2.

- 3 pinups to find.

- 1 new soundtrack.

- 5 books collectibles.

- 4 new animated sprites: Corpse trader, 3 captive girls.

- 6 new locations (Bandit Fort).

- Increase characters running speed.






I became a patron just to comment on this post that this game DESPERATELY needs a tutorial. You should not be dropping players into combat encounters without explaining even the bare minimum of how the combat functions with this kind of system. Why is my character trying to move right now? Why can't I attack? Why am I suddenly staring at at an anatomy diagram and I can't click on it, nor do anything else? Oh the space bar skips my turn--wish I knew that sooner. Etc. Just a note directing the player on where to find documentation on combat would be enough, but there isn't even that. Even if it's meant to be a forced loss, and I don't know if it is, you need to explain these kind of things.


The game and especially combat system are still in active development, and doing a tutorial for a changing system would be a waste of time. There is a help icon top right which explain the basic interface, and the first fight in the game is pretty gentile. But I understand your frustration and we'll improve that eventually, thanks for the input. By the way you don't need to be a patreon to comment in the public posts as far as I know, so I refunded your pledge. You can join our discord if you want to discuss further: https://priceforfreedom.net/discord

Will Ingram

Guys, I joined the party late. Does anyone know- To get the full experience do I have to deploy all 17 builds or can I download & install build 17 and get everything?