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 Windows (64bit, 32bit), Linux, Mac.

Alternative links: Mega.

Sorry about spamming all these fixes in quick succession. This is the last one until the next update hopefully.

This fixes the companions revive after they die in combat and Samara not being interactable in some cases.



its ok because the game is good


I have not played since version 10, so I decided to do a new run and I will post the bugs I found here. 1) Regularly (at least 50% of the fights in the prologue), one of the enemy stops and does nothing, forcing me to skip the fight. Maybe I was checking something (their HP, cards), I'm not sure.


I actually have trouble reproducing this issue, could you send me a save where this happens? Versus which enemies? Our discord has a bug tracking channel, which would be easier to report what you find.


anyone else having issues with pack mule and deep pockets? I'm having an issue where i can not put points into pack mule because when I put points into deep pockets, it's not registering.