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Being a while since last dev log and awful lack of release builds which i promised mid-October. Oops.

So what we being up to, what's the build status and whats going on?

As always we overestimate our abilities and underestimate amount of work for each build. I thought by now we'd learn better but I guess I'm cursed to this thing. Visual content is essentially done, all 6 new enemies (not counting male\female cultists as separate enemies) are rigged, animated and put into the game.

Currently we are plugging holes in writing to make it flow better, adding content where its empty and polishing scripting of whole quest-line. And doing long promised additional upgrade skill options, since most companions didn't have much ways to spend their skill points so far.
General idea of our leveling system is to keep number progression tame, but let player specialize different abilities for different purpose and match them with different skills and companions as they want trying to find best combos.

Art team is currently busy with adding small misc stuff around like expanding sprite range for non-enemy npcs so towns wont be filled with static drifting sketches and other content to spice up the game. We slowly will be preparing for next update after this one to have art assets ahead of time, and deliver it faster to compensate for this one being awfully late. Next update will be smaller and will feature the last planned companion option Osh'To, an ex-mercenary ogress for those who like their ladies BIG.

Also bonus feature, it was based on some of our previous developments for NPC sprites but figured can try giving a bit of extra ways to customize redic for player, in case you want to turn him into sparklewolf.

Because i was wrong on delivery date so often I am afraid to give any estimates at this point. But we will start closed beta-test as soon as we polish everything we can find ourselves. Hopefully everything will be done this month. -Arbuz



I hope the wait would be worth it content wise, I suspended my pledge waiting for this update.


Understandable. Amount wise it seems to be somewhat bigger\longer than the introduction chapter, but its hard to judge as a creator.