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It's been a while since last devlog, I'm sorry for the lack of communication. But lets get into progress of the next build.

As you remember our pirate girl (Katrina) won the poll for next update girl. Her Cg scenes are almost ready at this point, visual part is fully drawn, rig is finished, just some animations left. Some probably seen those on my streams. But that's not all!

Some of you remember us previously mentioning our attempt to switch to AnyPortrait to improve quality of animation due higher functionality. Sadly that plan folded due production in the plugin was very awkward and would slow down work speed drastically which we cannot allow. But with some trial and error I managed to figure out how to somewhat improve on facial animation and make it more "alive"

Due internet having virtually no anima2d tutorials besides barebones basics, i wasn't sure if this method would work. You probably seen this eye technique on Iski scene, but in new scene it would be combined with face deform to make animation even better.

That's obviously not all progress we made so far. Deck is working hard to add features we planned for previous big update but had to cut due time limitations. We already implemented additional particles like blood and other nifty effects, and currently working on the vendor system so we can utilize unwanted loot and gain additional money

Another big chunk of artwork is our new locations and character sprites. Our additional artist Hurfy currently helping me on those.

Those unexpectedly taking more time than we anticipated even when we taking steps on optimizing production like reusing parts of minor assets. Locations are still in WIP but should be ready in near future and ready for quest assembly. One of the locations would be one of the main "hub" areas like trade district\docks\gatehouse areas. From the planned ones, only lack slums and government district hubs, so don't worry about us continuing to endlessly add those hubs without much concentration of content inside them. After those done, we will work on adding content into each hub to make them more engaging and fun to explore.

So whats the plan in general for now? Because we slightly underestimated the amount of work needed for this update (we somehow keep doing it), it will unlikely be finished 1st February as we wanted, so currently we are aiming for mid February at best. After this update we plan to release another small mini-update and in the meantime work on next big update which would include our first side "dungeon" quest line. Captions is because this might not be a dungeon formally, but structurally would remind dungeon crawl anyway with its own story and location. Until our first dungeon is finished we cannot progress on main story, so that's how we structured out content production for now.

First dungeon adventure is planned mid\late spring.

Everyone thanks for patience and support of our project!




Can't get over how good this project is looking. Keep up the great work~!


Another human? Bout time. I'm not into animals.


Lovely looking game. Might be 9ne of the first to feel like a "real" game in the end.


That facial animation is exciting! Well done!