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Hey folks, it's been a wild year since we started this patreon. We wanted to have a small celebration and make an anniversary picture featuring Esther! 

Since this post has a female presenting nipples, we have to keep it patron-only compared to other dev logs. But we want to thank all our supporters, both longtime supporters and newcomers who recently boosted our support almost twice! We are grateful in this trust in our team, and we will work hard to uphold our quality and quantity of content.

As for news about current development. We plan to have a mini-update on 1st January, it will feature the long-promised Kobold Iski and her scene. This build will also have some minor content additions, code-fixing and new small location Thief Guild interior. It is not the whole thief guild, but only the portion where non-guild members are allowed. This should affect the existing Hiho quest, since previously it had to temporary use the door guard thug for the rest of the dialogue. You will be able to find Iski there as well after you meet her in town. Finally, this update will add a few more collectible pictures to gather around town.

After this mini-update, we plan to continue our work on bigger a update, for which we started doing content since late November. It will add Crimson Dervish companion, with her own recruit quest, abilities to unlock and other nifty stuff. This update will also contain pretty huge location work amount since it will add one the "hub" areas, a village outside Kaldea which will be used extensively in the future quests.

HOWEVER, after internal debates we decided to slightly shift our plans. Due how Crimson Dervish is written as a character, it is problematic to make a smut scene for her right away after first quest, nor have time to prepare addition in-between content until her scene, thus follow update will NOT have lewds with Crimson Dervish yet. HOWEVER HOWEVER, not to make our fans feel cheated we will add a lewd-able side character. We will make a vote who this girl will be in January. Don't worry Crimson Dervish will have as much content as other companions as we go further, we just want to feel progression with her sub-story more natural and interesting so it needs a bit different pacing compared to more open characters like Samara.

After this intense year of development, the game has build a solid foundation and we can now focus on our content production.  Thank you again for supporting us! 




Good work takes time. I for one am in no rush! excellent work this year and cant wait to see more in the future!