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Today we are giving shout out to our friends developing Venture Seas.


Brush off your Fundamentals of Sigil Sphere’s and check out this high sea, hi-fantasy adventure pitting you as a captain down on his, or her luck. Prep your vessel, recruit a crew and restore a fragmented legacy in this narrative based exploration game and management game. With a host of D&D like mechanics, this will be an amazing adventure if you love dungeon crawling, dexterity checks, and a deep deck based combat system round this game out with.

Not only is it an exploration based dungeon crawler, but it has several management systems built in. As a captain of a small trade vessel that has begun to run out of funds, you are desperately trying to eke out a comfortable existence while balancing the budget line by not only exploring but localized economy trading where certain items and resources will buy high or low. Also included is a brothel management system that allows you to give even our Velvet Oasis a run!

With the time I’ve spent, I’ve found there to be a great amount of interesting lore to be had, from my time so far in the game there is a pretty expansive library explaining locations, cultures and history. Going through the demo you can get a real feeling that the team at Virtuous Development has been hard at work to make a living and breathing world.

The characters filling out the world have very interesting designs, personalities that run deep… and creating a villain you can be quite sympathetic within a very brief amount of time along with a hefty twist cliffhanger at the end of the demo! It really leaves you wanting more.

This is definitely a project worth checking out and throwing support behind, with a public demo that has nearly two hours of content the team at Virtuous Development are aiming to provide a project that goes above and beyond in this genre.



VirtuousDevelopment is creating Venture Seas | Patreon

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