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Punch politics now




ya know, i don't really understand it; PfF is a favorite web-comic of mine, but sometimes the writing seems a little... off. like maybe the word choices could be different, or something. not bashing, just saying they feel a little off to me. Despite that, and some of that same writing carrying over to the game, i love it. the world is colorful and richer in potential than some people would give it credit. yeah, both have smut and moral gray areas, but it makes it feel more genuine to me, and maybe that's why I still love it. :D


It's understandable. I never hide the fact im terrible writer. By "writer" i mean describing things with words, but making a story or world is much easier for me. The game gets it a bit better, because all dialog writing is done by dedicated writers, i only quality check them and see if they fit the story\character\context.