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Not much to report this week.  Just more rendering, writing, coding, and photo-shopping.  I'm trying to make an event that has more choices and options than ones I've done in the past, and while it will be cool, it does require a lot more renders for the event.  On the plus side, I keep learning new tricks with Daz and keep downloading more assets, so I think my rendering skills are getting better.  You'll have to let me know in the future if you notice an improvement in the quality of the images with each update.

Well I wanted to let you all know that I'm not slacking, I'm still making this game with every minute of free time I have.  Let me know if there are things I can be doing better for you my patrons.  If I'm slacking on something, or you think I could be communicating better, or whatever it is, feel free to contact me.

Thanks again for your support!



The renders were already good. Looking forward to seeing what new tricks you've learned