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I've come with a comic I've been working on for the last week and I'm super happy to have finished it! It's not spoilery regarding ToTK related things. I've also been going over my commentary here trying not to sound like I'm giving myself backhanded compliments. I've always had a hard time sharing ship related things, and I have a habit of trying to over explain myself. 

What I do wanna explain is the script for this belongs to Yuurivoice! A voice actor who does videos of various characters. There was one of Sidon that caught my attention and I really wanted to draw it out with Ifora as the OC insert ;u; I'm not too great with writing my own stuff so this was a fun creative boost. 

As happy as this has made me I've been constantly fighting with myself over sharing this or not. Thanks to the support of my friends here it all is! CRINGE IS DEAD AND DO WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE! I miss drawing comics, and I hope I can get more creative boosts like this to do more stories, and write my own as well!


fun part about this comic was slowly getting the knack of drawing sidon and my character XD
I started this in pencil because I thought a sketchy look would be cool but it kept smudging and i was always erasing it was distracting
the middle panel makes me laugh, link is a bad influence on everyone
some of the voice actor's script was slightly changed to accommodate the second person's dialog and to make sure the speech bubbles fit
fun part about this comic was slowly getting the knack of drawing sidon and my character XD
the hardest part about this comic was trying to find dynamic panels and poses so it wasnt always repeating
like this, I liked the triangle bit but then I went back to squares XD
Kissing is the worst, like harder than drawing hands or feet so I was absolutely beaming when this came out the way I wanted
the voice inflections inthe dialog helped a lot because it made it easy to draw the emotions for Sidon and also really funny in some panels
as a gerudo, Ifora MUST make puns of some kind, and that bottom left panel and the last one are my favorites. i love drawing hugs ;u;


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