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Shield Up is our Patreon-exclusive weekly podcast where we try and fix your problems and answer all your biggest questions.

This week's episode features a man and a cat, someone who fancies running off to South America, a nameless baby and something about sandwiches – it's all going on! 

We hope you enjoy the first episode and if you fancy being in a future show, chuck all your questions in this anonymous form.

We've also got a dedicated Discord category going for Shield Up, so make sure you have a look at that. 

Enjoy the podcast,

RKG x 




Been a patron for ages! Just been using it for early access and just thought why not use this during work instead of listening to the same playlists. So here I am starting from ep 1 😅😅


If you're still reading these comments, prepare to fry us a great name, but if you decide to do a lockdown home cooking live stream, you shiuld call it RKG wok throughs.


Awesome to finally get to hear the podcast and be apart of the community! Look forward to hearing them all lads! 🍻