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I'm sad because I have to tell you that this week i wasn't able to draw the new episode of the Golden Path. I'm still working on it... well' i made the layout but I still fixing it because something doesn't work. It could happen, given the prompts i have to deal with. So here is a little interlude, with Elara and Glimmer: those of you who joined the Patreon chat saw the sketches of these drawings some days ago. I strongly recommend to join that chat on Patreon app (unfortunately it isn't available on the browser) because i randomly post sketches or screenshot of what I'm drawing!
By the way it's the first time i put colors on Elara and Glimmer. I imagined Elara with a greysh skin, I probably exaggerated here with the pink.
Glimmer is perfect as she is here... and by the way i'd like to color all the comic this way, when it will be over. 

I hope to be back with the comic very soon, i hate leaving incomplete things!
In the meantime you can read again the first two episodes! 



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