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I made it!

Another Challenge brilliantly accomplished! Excuse me for all this self celebration, but challenges are made for this, to recognize our commitment and to receive compliments by other people! I'm happy to have made this challenge also for having the opportunity of drawing characters who are pretty far from my habits and i liked the way I faced this challenge: when i felt like doing it. As you have seen i didn't draw each week a new character, there where pauses between each character. Sometimes you want to do a challenge like that but you don't want to draw only for challenges. That is the best way to hate something. If you do it because you want to, that's the way to succeed with challenges.
not all the challenges can be faced this way, like inktober, where the challenge is to make a drawing a day for the whole month, but others like the color wheel challenge are great to be faced like this!

Sorry for the wall of text, here you can se all the previous entries for the challenge!
next color... whooops! the challenge ends here! :D

click here for the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4krn3qc3oc3mxke5vt2k4/colorwheel-raven.mp4?rlkey=f29p7t1eo1wkx5rqyrmqiofg8&dl=0 




Nice feet 🥰

Rankin Bass

Love it!!! Well done all around!