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The joke in the strip’s title is related to a form we have in Italy (maybe you have it in your country too), the parts involved in a car accident can fill it  with their data, writing how was the accident if they agree on how the things happened. This makes the things easier also with the insurance companies to pay for damages. The name is something like ”amicable settlement” in the title.

there is also another Italian thing in this strip… the infamous italian hand gesture 🤌 in the second panel. I’m not implying Charlie is Italian. Imagining her angry and doing that gesture made me giggle and I wanted to put it there

Coming back to the title I’ve introduced a new cover layout. Except some special occasion the cover image will be the same, the only changing thing will be the title. I could change sometimes Charlie’s pose or clothes according to the situation. I think it’s more fresh than the previous one.



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