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That was a great occasion to drop a new nsfw drawing of our favorite damsel in distress!
Some days ago Nintendo released a new game of Princess Peach, in which she acts in various roles and that changes the gameplay. So, in addition to the swordswoman, the baker and the martial arts expert, I imagined another role, the adult content creator! Maybe they will release it as a DLC soon :D

Here is the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q8i64syci2g81zcij7r77/peach-showtime.mp4?rlkey=ekyrxrspm69idjzgaxveucwql&dl=0

All the 4$+ subscriber have already seen a work in progress sneak peek of this work earlier this morning. How? Here's how. I added a new reward for the 4$+ tiers: a VIP Chat group (available on Patreon's app) where I Post work in progress shots and also references and vintage pinup picture from the past!
Is this a good reason to upgrade from 2$ to 4$ or ask for a drawn reward? I think so! Go and become a VIP member, you can always downgrade it next month!




sweet work. Still I'd watch for asshats posing as Nintendo trying to ambush you with DMCAs. These fuckwads are also hyporcrites as they go only after Western artists but not Japanese artists.

Gaunt Noir

Bombissima!!! 💕💕