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Greetings, everyone!

The script for the first version is almost done. I ended up counting 15 chapters of varying length in this version, and I'm now wrapping up the 14th, with the 15th being very short. The early chapters do a lot of the lifting here, with the worldbuilding and story/character setup requiring a lot of space. In these last few chapters, events settle into smaller chunks that aren't quite so monumental in scope, so they get shorter. I expect the chapter lengths will vary significantly even as we move forward. The goal is to keep each chapter bite-sized, meaning that you should be able to start a chapter and expect to spend no more than 15-20 minutes on it. This is important because the game doesn't allow you to save in the middle of a chapter, so making them too long could make the whole experience very frustrating.

Anyway, I have some other news that many of you will likely find interesting. Previously, I told you that there will be no porn in the first version. Well, I'm happy to say that I've been proven wrong. There will indeed be a sex scene, of sorts, in the first version, and it's really hot (or at least the script is).

The reason I didn't want to add a sex scene to the first update before now was twofold: 

  • 1. Showing sex and nudity too soon, even in a dream sequence (especially in a dream sequence), deflates the all-important sexual tension that the game needs to hold your interest and keep you aroused when you unlock new scenes later.
  • 2. Sex scenes early in the story can often come off as forced, a desperate ploy to leave crowdfunding supporters semi-satisfied before the developer can get to the real meat of the game's story.

But it turns out that the scene that I have now written came about naturally. It makes perfect sense for it to appear where it does in the story. Most importantly of all, the way it is constructed means that it shouldn't deflate any tension. In fact, I firmly believe it will build even more of it, despite the fact that someone ends up having an orgasm (and it's not Michael). That's all I will say for now. Suffice it to say, this scene would have been impossible to make in Long Live the Princess, but it really builds upon the strengths of the new format in Supermodel. I expect it to be fully animated, and I'm not talking about those 16-frame loops I made for LLtP. I intend to offer 60 frames per second animations for this game, partially using the magic of AI frame interpolation, though possibly not to all backer levels. We'll get back to the economics of it later since this is something I haven't settled on yet.

The coming week will be unusually busy for me, but I fully expect to wrap up the script in a few days. At that point, it's all about creating the images and animations this first release will need. One and a half months left of this year. If I manage to squeeze it in before New Year's, it'll be a tight fit. 

But hey, don't we all just love tight fits in this community?

Until next time!


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