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Hi guys!

Here's my reaction to episode 16 hope you enjoy!!



Star Trek Reaction S01E17.mp4



When Spock pulls the spear out of Latimer's back, he refers to it as the Folsom point, not the XXXX point. Don't know what the fuck the Netflix subtitler is drinking. The spears were plastic, so not as dangerous as you might think. The problem is that the rocks were all made of Styrofoam so they chipped away a little too easily lol. Sadly, NBC's Standards and Practices (censors) thought the faces of the alien costumes were too scary to show on network television. Shame since you can tell they actually put some work into them. I'll send an image of that to your Instagram as well. Montgomery Scott is indeed Scottish. You asked before during 1x4 "Where No Man Has Gone Before" when you were trying to figure out what the hell the accent was supposed to be. Yes, Spock is half-human, although he's chosen the Vulcan way of logic. Vulcans do have emotions, they just refuse to show them or admit to even having them at all. A Vulcan visibly showing emotion is considered a very disrespectful act among other Vulcans. On a side note, a Star Trek novel tells that after this mission, Scotty had Boma court-martialed on a charge of insubordination over how rude and disrespectful he was to Spock, his superior officer. Boma was found guilty, and kicked out of Starfleet.

Barbara Ann Baker

I love McCoy happy to hear of a Vulcan mistake. My family hails in part from Scotland and eventually came to America. My Grandfather Scott was also called Scotty. Interesting man. He left home at 15, abandoning a good share in land and stealing the family car. He didn't know how to work a clutch so he rolled down his window and asked a fellow driver how. Salesman after that. Home life wasn't so great I'd wager. All I know is his dad was against indoor plumbing or something.