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Hi!! Here's my reaction to episode 15 hope you enjoy!



Star Trek Reaction S01E15.mp4


Barbara Ann Baker

Welcome to the Neutral zone. Spocks explanation said it all. Lol that Spock/Romulon reveal "Say it to my face." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The credits are indeed cool. Great tacticians battling it out are some of my favorite stories. It's why I also love Babylon 5. And yes. With strategy and luck many a smaller, weaker force have overtaken a dangerous foe. Started my country actually. Some of those stories are wild right down to storms popping up Exactly when desperately needed. I'd say more but serious spoilers in my other thoughts on some of what you said. Speaking of wait on the fan fiction, it's out there but will also have not only tos spoilers of who know what episode but other series or movies, depending on your trek familiarity. Up to you. When this ends though there's a Katy Perry ET music video that I mixed in with other sci fi for mine. Femme something 1701. But after as it has a lot of trek episodes, much like fanfiction.


The Romulan plasma torpedo is a guided weapon, so no matter what direction the Enterprise would've gone in, the torpedo would've followed and overtaken. The Enterprise won the battle partly because of Kirk's tactical abilities, yes, but the Romulan bird-of-prey isn't as advanced as you think. Weaponry goes to the Romulans, although the plasma torpedo has a shorter range. They have a cloaking device, but it's not perfect, the Enterprise was able to still partially track them and it blocks the Romulan sensors as well. Engine and fuel superiority goes to the Enterprise without question and that's what really won the day for Kirk and crew. The Enterprise was able to shoot multiple times blindly, from long range, while the Romulan bird-of-prey didn't have the speed to close quickly or the power to launch multiple torpedoes. The original script did have the couple getting married halfway through the episode before Tomlinson died, and Styles originally died as well. It was felt not having them get married would be even sadder to the audience and if Styles lived because of Spock saving him, it would cure his prejudice. Starfleet officers aren't paid actually since the Federation doesn't use money within it's own borders so...no money for Martine, even if she had gotten married. I love the ending of this episode. After Kirk consoles Martine and she leaves, you can see his body slump slightly, the weight and burden of command weighing too much for him to handle. But then Kirk leaves the chapel, begins walking the corridors, and as soon as the crew can see him, he straightens up and starts walking with purpose, unwilling to let his crew see him down. I do have bad news though. This is Grace Lee Whitney's (Yeoman Rand) last appearance on the show before getting fired. At the wrap party after finishing filming on Miri, Whitney was raped by an executive. Afterwards she started using alcohol and pills heavily and it began to affect her performance. Finally, the creator of the show, Gene Roddenberry, was told to fire her as a cost cutting move. Whether it was just a coincidence or an excuse has never been stated, although Roddenberry later went on to say that if he had known about her rape and subsequent addictions, he would've fought to keep her and get her sober. She did overcome her addictions after about eleven years and lived until 85, dying five years ago.