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Hi!! Here's my reaction to episode 14, hope you enjoy!



Star Trek Reaction S01E14.mp4



Anton Karidian was played by the late Arnold Moss. They used an old head shot of his for the picture of Kodos. The 19 year old Lenore Karidian was played by Barbara Anderson, who was 21 at the time. I'm honestly not sure why Star Trek constantly used people for roles that they looked too old to be playing. Kirk was 13 when the executions on Tarsus IV occurred, which makes him 33 at the time of this episode. Only a 14 year age gap between him and Lenore lol. William Shatner (Kirk) is Canadian so...no Hispanic there at all, much less Columbian lol. Shatner was the only member of the main cast to be Shakespearean-trained, while Arnold Moss was a regular Broadway actor, so that's a great catch on how both of them are really tapping into their dramatic acting roots. Riley is 27 in this episode, although the actor that played him, Bruce Hyde, was only 25. So the biggest problem with what Kodos did is that it was completely unnecessary. The rescue ships, which had replacement food supplies, arrived the day after Kodos killed 4000 people. Nobody had to die at all. Even if the rescue ships hadn't arrived in time, it still makes Kodos a mass murderer. No matter how noble your intentions may be, murder is always murder. As for Thanos, he's even worse. The Infinity Stones could've easily made infinite resources across the universe to feed people. Thanos just couldn't be bothered to see past his initial idea to think that there might have actually been better alternatives. I didn't enjoy how the movie did try to make Thanos seem noble, albeit misguided. In the comics, Thanos kills half the universe, simply as a means of attempting to impress Death. After meeting her, he fell in love and asked her on a date. She told him she'd consider it if he killed half the universe. That's it. That's the whole basis in the comics for Thanos gathering all the Infinity Stones. He wanted to get laid basically. Truly evil. Next week: my favorite episode of the entire Original Series. This is gonna be a LONG seven days lol, but I can't wait.

Barbara Ann Baker

Oh yeah, extra, extra crazy daughter. Reminded me of that Children of Dune miniseries deeds often "bare fruit in the children we bare." It was creepy, the courtship, especially @19:15. And is anyone surprised a villain hid in pedowood? Is it ironic that Elijah Wood did the best job confirming that creepy place. Glad his parents protected him. Honestly 19 is refreshing comparatively. I get the male/female imperitives 1 seeks young and fertile 2 seeks resources and protection but honestly I'm today's day and age you'd think healthy love would have a higher priority. So I can think of one particular group of people that spring to mind on this resources concept. They showed up in a swamp pretty ugly place spent a couple of years working on it, working the land. They had a lot of inspiration and help with know how. They had the freedom and willingness to work together for everyone to have a descent place to live. Did everyone make it? No. But they took care of each other the best they could and with no compulsion or executions. They made it beautiful and prosperous. Resources is often tied to freedom and just enough social values pressure (looking out for your neighbor), smarts and willingness to really work to cultivate them. It's something that happened in my country more than once and many of us have forgotten it. Every struggle, though minor to plenty of countries always seems tied to some law or special treatment or resources largely devoted to an outside country that harvests it's people's organs instead of a healthy mix of them all for special government deals. History often proves the answer to such things. Anyway hope that helps. Great reaction, so fun. Stay well girl.