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Mu Nanyo

Yo, first. Came down to read the comments and found none. Holy shit, Big Brain Ron 👀👀👀.

Scott George

Unrelated to the episode, congrats you two! Welcome back


Big brain ron 🧠 but when the episode ended he had a brain fart 🤣

ao kaze

Tbh I didn’t think that ranking of kings was a good material for reaction. I was so wrong.. great reaction as always, and good thinking.

Chayanne Acosta

The books sounded interesting until you said they’re like Twilight, instant lost of interest. I’ve only seen the movies, they were ok, maybe the books are better idk never read them. Ron, that was one hell of a call.


Ron your chin is vulnerable because it acts as a lever to your head/brain. You get hit in the chin and your head is either snapping to the side or snapping backwards.

Christopher Kim

The scene where Despa stabs his hands and feels no pain is pretty accurate. There's a magician named David Blaine that does a trick where he stabs himself with an ice pick through his hand and arm and pulls it back out with no pain and no blood visible. The doctors theorize that he accomplishes this by avoiding the nerves and blood vessels and bones accurately, although this baffles even the doctors.

Mu Nanyo

Nah RoK is great material. The story and characters consistently challenge our preconceived notions of where the story is going. Making it fun when they expect someone to act a certain way only to have those expectations subverted.


Holy shit, Big Brain Ron 👀👀👀

ao kaze

Yes, and I remember having a great time watching it for the first time.. I don’t know why I was thinking that Either way I am glad the show was picked up ! Good job Patreons !


dude you literally made me spit my drink 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

DB Cooper

it shouldn't baffle doctors, he explained how he did this trick without drawing blood. the MRI for nerves, tendons and vessels is only done the first time. after that he repeatedly stabbed the same "wireless" spot with an acupuncture needle every week to establish what was essentially a ingrown hole in his hand. after that you can stab the same spot without breaking any veins or nerves: practically going through your own skin-contained anatomy


whats replacing solo leveling? 👀


Even the biggest brains will occasionally leave skidmarks


Funny enough, I thought "his fighting style and lack of strength would fit a rapier" when he first found Daida lol.

Michelle Lam

my brain is so big it hurts sometimes


Good job Ron! XD