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2024 Poll 21: Discord Suggestions Poll!!!

  • Deliverance (1972) 58
  • Splash (1984) 35
  • A Fish Called Wanda (1986) 45
  • Twins (1988) 82
  • Spawn (1997) 52
  • 2024-05-06
  • —2024-05-13
  • 272 votes
{'title': '2024 Poll 21: Discord Suggestions Poll!!!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Deliverance (1972)', 'votes': 58}, {'text': 'Splash (1984)', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'A Fish Called Wanda (1986) ', 'votes': 45}, {'text': 'Twins (1988)', 'votes': 82}, {'text': 'Spawn (1997)', 'votes': 52}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 13, 16, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 6, 14, 48, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 272}


What is up, peeps. Time for another weekly poll. This week, the poll is made up of Discord suggestions from EOM Fam members. So if you are not in the EOM Discord, there's another reason to join. As usual, poll runs a week, so get those votes in ASAP!

*And the link stays not working on the page, so anyone in here who wants in the Discord that isn’t already a member, here’s a link:




Omg!!! A Fish Called Wanda is SOOOOO SLEPT ON!!


Id like a spot in the discord fs

Renee S

Well, J said during Valentine's Day that coal miners couldn't scare him, but I'm wondering how he feels about Georgia mountain men. Kinda want to see Deliverance get the vote on here, lol. And if that wins and Discord is the only way to view that reaction I definitely want an invite :)

Echo Moon

Soooo hoping Spawn will win!! S to the P to the A to the AWN, go Spawny!!

Cat Charbonneau

Twins and The Burbs are the two movies that will always get my vote


TWINS FTW! I'm hoping "Waiting" makes the poll soon.


Did I miss an announcement for a delay in Slasher Saturday reactions? Figured we'd get Jason X this weekend..


Ok was jw cuz there was never a Slasher Saturday post this weekend. Just eager to get to the last of the Jason and Michael flicks 😁

gina brown

i would like a link


It was just late. It’ll be Chucky this week, then back to Michael.


https://discord.gg/3vnUvzAD Not discord only, but here’s a link.


Is it finally going to happen is a reactor finally going to watch Twins?!

Vicky phillips

How can we not watch splash? Iconic


Damn. While I'm glad you've seen it, that reaction would've been epic!


SO many good ones to pick from, but I have to go with A Fish Called Wanda: it is criminally under-reacted to, the humor is brilliant (winning Kevin Kline a Best Supporting Actor Oscar), and -- the biggest plus -- it stars one of J's main Boos. :)

Richard A Kingsbane

I love that Twins is winning, that reaction will be great!

Amy the CheshireCat

I think Twins would be awesome. I'm so glad it is winning this poll.

Rabbit S

Hmm, I hope that Spawn can manage to come in second at least, give some chance for it to come around again soon.


This is one of the toughest polls in a long time. You absolutely need to see Twins and Splash, but WE need you to see Deliverance. With our apologies in advance.