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thank you for waiting, everyone. i did get super sick after all lol, so im a few days late. anyway, go ahed and download your files. this comic is mostly about the art lol. cuz i tried very little with the story. i just wanted to draw tea getting rocked. thats all lol.

im running on fumes, im so tired, so i dont have much to say,

just, thank you for another great year. it seems there is nowhere for us but to go up since every year has been more successful than the one before. this year tho, hands down, has been the busiest. i did a lot of travelling, i moved to a new place, and lots of personal things happened, but i made it through.

im gonna take the rest of the month off and get some much needed R&R, gonna return in january at full energy, ready to work!

til then,

i hope ya'll have an incredible holiday season! and i hope to see u again next year!

cheers everyone! CHEERS!!




Definitely can’t bring up the file

Net Conner

Some of the files seem to be corrupted