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hello, everyone. hope ya'll have been enjoying your weekend. as the title of the post suggests, i wanna talk about the changes that will be made to the tiers.

starting on june, so that's next month, the tiers will increase in price in all of my platforms. (patreon &fanbox)

They will be 5usd and 10usd, respectively.

I would like to layout my reasoning with the following examples:

1. poster packs are a total of 10 - 12 images, which tier 2 gets for 2usd. tier 5's get an extra 4-5 images for 5usd.

apparently thats undercharging my work so that's already one reason for the change.

2. im sure ya'll have noticed, but this year the posters have changed from single images, to essentially comic pages:

so, from this:

to this:

these pages with the multiple images are much more fun to draw. telling short stories is vastly more fun than just a single image with no context, so thats why ive been doing my rewards like this recently. obviously, though, this means that im doing more work. and that, apparently, means that im once again severely undercharging for my art lol. now, i know i could just go back to doing single images, but that's still 10-15 high quiality images that require the same amout of time and effort to make, and i believe that my skills have improved enough that i can allow myself to be compensated for my work, which brings me to my last point.

3. The last time i did this price increase, was when i accepted that my art had improved enough to warrant a better asking price. once again, i find myself in that position and so i believe that i should now reflect the time and effort i take in studying and bettering my art, into my asking prices for the tiers. essentially, "ive gotten better, right? can i charge more, now, please?"

im editing the prices later today, but the change wont be reflected until the next billing cycle begins, hence, june.

and that's it. i understand that not everyone can afford this increase in cost, and if you decide to end your subscription, that is completely fine, its just that leaving my art as it is currently at such a low price isnt a good idea anymore, and i hope you can understand my position as well. I love what i do, and i firmly believe that my dedication comes across in the images i share with ya'll. as far as im concerned, im just gonna keep doing what i do, and keep bettering myself and my art. i hope ya'll will remain with me in this crazy journey we've started together. thank you for reading, and i would appreciate it if you decide to continue supporting me.


side note: i've been distancing myself from being online, therefor, ive almost completely left discord, except for dming with a very small amount of people. and i limit my twitter usage to maybe an hour per day to post previews of my work and checking out some artists i follow. other than that i really dont want to be browsing the interwebs that much. ive been trying my best to have a healthier life lately, so i started going to the gym and eating better, and spending less time sitting at my desk. just wanted to let ya'll know why it is that i havent been that present online. just trying to be healthy and keep a good balance of work, family time and free time. kay bye! lol



Happy to continue my support. I know that times are rough right now, but you're one of the few artists that consistently delivers quality work. Keep it up, Aarokira ❤️


You'll continue to have my support for sure, as an artist it's important to stand up for your art when it comes to price which can be hard for some but never be afraid to charge what you feel you and your art is worth :)


Yeah immediately updated my tier. Absolutely thought you undercharged given your quality.


you have my support always g