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More pages have been added to the album! its almost there, just 8 more pages left. I have alot to say about my expirience with this comic but i´ll leave that for when i post its complete zip file.

also, the girls from seven deadly sins won the poll. there wont be any giant or vore fetishes. not my thing, so dont get your ho´pes up.

lastly, all the poster requests ive been receiving will be scheduled for the final week of the month. that way its easier for me to not get distracted with those while working on comics, and then i´ll just share a monthly pac. they would average around 6-10 posters per pack depending on how many requests i receive.

once i complete the remaining comics i have pending. theres gonna be some changes i´ll have to make but that´s still some ways off.

check out Angies downfall

ps. have an extra ken poster just cuz i liked making it.




Good idea to separate work like that.