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tl;dr - I am feeling better now and will have regular content for you again. Thank you to all of you for supporting me and I'm sorry that I haven't posted as much on here as I would have liked recently.


I've been a little quiet as of recently and this has unfortunately been due to my recurring health issues.

Some of you may remember me making a post about my gut/health issues in the past, and  things have flared up a bit recently. I've learned a lot and discovered that some of the things I had been trying in order to alleviate my symptoms may have actually been making things worse over time.

The short of it is I've developed a  new meal + supplement plan that is keeping me pretty stable, and I've actually been able to start drawing more again - which has made me so much happier.

I'm going to be posting something new for you guys tomorrow, and I also have a bunch more planned posts in the works.

I will also be running a new poll and let you guys decide once again what you would like to see from me.

I also have a special art post planned which has been a long time coming, and is teased in my patreon banner ^^



Glad to hear you're feeling better!