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This is now becoming a pretty big issue and we're going to be looking at how we can do things differently to address the problem. (Though our options are fairly limited.) This appears to be a problem affecting lots of creators and the only truly effective solution, the 'pay up front' mechanic, is still in beta and not widely available.

This message is just a heads up to you real patrons out there that that's the course we're gonna take. It shouldn't make a difference to those of you who have pledged, but of course we'll research it thoroughly closer to the change whenever that is and keep you updated to the best of our ability. In the meantime, any patron we click on whose profile results in a 'this page has been removed' error message will be banned immediately. If you believe you have been erroneously banned, do feel free to send us a message here or via our tumblr

Thanks again to each and every one of you who continue to support us in our work. You're the best~



Typically creators make an exorbitantly overpriced tier with no perks as a bot catcher since they tend to go for the most pricey one automatically.


<a href="https://i.imgur.com/ZlgW7nb.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/ZlgW7nb.gif</a> That's actually a fantastic idea, thank you very much~ &lt;3


Add a reward tier that covers a round trip flight to punch them in the face, or the cpu, whichever is more relevant.


I'm pretty sure that's against the Patreon ToS, unfortunately. Stupid nonviolence clauses.