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As always we're trying to keep a finger on the pulse of what you guys would most like to see. We're still going to put out stuff that we want to get out there, but we can structure the variety, amount, and schedule it so that no one feels like they've gotten a raw deal here. Filling out polls like this will hopefully help us achieve that.

Thanks for takin' the time to do it. <3



Furry on human!


Just do what inspires you, I personally love all your stuff, especially when there's more than one character in the scene. I do really love sexy robots/androids, tho. Especially when they're being hacked/hacking others, or abusing their mechanical superiority to get what they want.


Good suggestion~! We'll probably put some of that out down the line.


Much appreciated, and that's mostly what we try to do. But there's no harm in finding out what you guys like and seeing what things inspire us in those genres. Robots/Androids is a fun one, never see enough of them. Especially not femboy ones~


I really loved your previous work. I know you would like to move on to new material, I totally understand that, however the traps you drew were amazing lol.


Monsters x Humans


Pretty much guaranteed to happen, it's just a matter of time~