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Today's the day that you finally investigate that suspiciously-named movie rental company with the suspiciously-familiar employee that just opened in your town.

Script: WhispurrAudio

Art: @kawako__ 




“do you know anyone who still owns a VCR in 2024?” me giving mine a panicked glance across the room: 👁️👄👁️


I was recently thinking how much I was missing my VHS player. This really nailed into the core of that missing.

grey roses

Did anyone else have one of those VHS tape rewinder things? Mine looked like a car. XD


Lol I actually own and still use vhs's 😅 🤣 you can't find some of the older movies on DVD. Physical media all the way! ❤️


I will never through out my vhs tapes or my cassetes/cds

Sarina Kyhn

Bro same about the VHS tapes I mean I was born in 2000 and I feel old

May B

Good thing I know what a VHS is, that’s how I used to watch my movies