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Hey, everybody. Hope you are all doing fine. I have some news to share!

As of yesterday, 8:25 AM, I have become a daddy for the second time! At 2.88kg, and 50cm (That's 6 lbs 5oz, and 19.7 inches, for all of you who don't use the metric system), we have a new baby boy!

I will be kind of in and out the next couple of weeks, until our routine settles down. Still have some old comics to share with you guys, so I'll be posting that for you next week. I'm hoping to be back in action by the end of the month. Keep you posted!

As always, thanks for your support! 





Congrats Leandro! We all here understand that your family comes first, so get settled in with your new little guy!


Congratulations bro! Enjoy your time with your new little dude.


Congrats on the new kid, btw any plans on releasing the Scarlet Witch x Ms Marvel gallery?


Thanks, notmuchmore! Would that be a new gallery? Cause I don't remember doing that matchup!


Also hey you would not happen to have the old Catwoman/Batman gallery would you?


I remember it was an old issue with Ant Man observing the lesbian sex in action


Congratulations :)