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Hey, guys. Hope everybody is doing well. I'll post a new gallery tomorrow. Sorry for the little delay. It's been a hard week. I'm feeling a bit despondent right now... I don't want to bring anyone down but the pandemic is hitting us hard down here. My family and I are doing fine, but it's hard to keep the spirit high sometimes. 

 Anyway, sorry for venting over here! New stuff tomorrow.



Hope you are doing well Leandro, this whole pandemic is kicking everybody's ass right now. God willing that shit will be looking up soon since the vaccine is being distributed.


Leandro, hope things are well with you and your family. me and a lot of us here can agree, we feel the same way as you do when it comes to this pandemic, it hasn’t been easy. I want you to known that you’re art has given me a bunch of enjoyment during this madness and i appreciate all the work you’ve done for my suggestions and commissions. i hope you feel better


We're here to support you, my good man. Your art has lightened all our moods before the pandemic, during it and certainly after it. I and many others hope you and your family do well through all this. Keep your family close, your willpower strong and your art sexy!